Thursday, March 21, 2013


"Crossing the Border"

Their journey of crossing the border starts out with Doru and his two friends,
 they get into a car, and drop off into a field.
They grab their bags and were gone in a flash ,into theh corn fields.
 All the sudden they heard a farmer out in his yard,
so they hit the ground in alarm thinking they had already been caught.
Luckily he just went back into his home and they went on with their jounrney across the border.
After a while of close calls and longs days of sitting  the hot sun and hidding from people.
Waking up at night and haveing to run thorugh the moon lite night.
They came up to a WATCH TOWER,
which had some huge fires burning right next to it.
They had to get around the light of the fire,
which was also right in front of the headquarters of the Romaina border.
Had tons of guards all around it,
so they got around that and when they had though they gotten around the tower and headquarter tower.
They were stopped in their tracks ,
because all the sudden their were two guards walking right by them.
Luckily God was on their side ,
and basically made them disappear in the night!

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